Many Sanatanis are sad because Tamil Nadu government has banned Vinayaka Chaturti celebrations in its conventional grand way where large Ganapati Murtis used to be placed in streets, and pujas and deeparadhana used to be performed. Some Sanatanis are ok, because the ban is reasonable as it helps in controling the spread of covid19. A further some are ok, because Vinayaka Chaturti is not "vedic" in nature.
Covid19 control reason is indeed reasonable. We concede. But, the claim that Vinayaka Chaturti is not vedic is not a great one. Yeah, freedom fighter, Shri Bala Gangathar Thilak ji might have revived the celebrations and might have made it a grand one. But, how doesn't that make it any less vedic? Let's go a bit deeper...
- Ganapati is a vedic God (mentioned in the Vedas). Ganapati finds a very important place in many puranas (both Shaivite and Vaishnavite ones). Birthday of such a vedic God cannot be less vedic.
- Even if the argument is that: Bala Gangathar Thilak ji had merely made a less popular festival at that time into a more popular and grand one just to use the festival as a political tool to unite Hindus against the British, it's still the unification or the call for the unification of dharmic forces against the adharmic forces, which makes it even more vedic.
Abhrahamic colonialism always went against Hindus' dharmic way of life. Don't vedas glorify dharma? Don't vedas advocate the upholding of dharma? Ganesh Chaturti is Vedic because it was used to unite dharmic people (aka. vedic people or sanatanis) to fight against adharma.
We still have a long way to go in fighting adharma.
May Lord Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, the Vakrathunda, be with us inseparably.
Ganapati Bappa Morya!!!
Jai Hind!!!
Bharat Mata Ki Jai!!!
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